Here are the most frequently asked questions about Botox and how it work at out clinic in Burlington.
Botox is a purified protein, authorized for sale by Heath Canada and the FDA to treat moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet, and horizontal lines on the forehead.
Botox Cosmetic contains onabotulinum toxin A. When this substance is injected, how it works is by simply relaxing the facial muscle underneath the skin to create a smooth and refreshed appearance. While this only targets the wrinkles that appear when you make facial expressions, you can consider getting an injectable filler treatment with hyaluronic acid at the same time for any wrinkles and creases that are permanently visible.
In general, Botox lasts 3-4 months. There will certainly be patients in which in lasts longer, in that 4-6 month range, or shorter, in that 2-month range. It is also common for first-timers to notice that it may not last as long initially but may last longer after the second treatment.
Botox and fillers are two types of injectables, which are both injected with a needle. The biggest difference between Botox and fillers is that Botox is used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by freezing the underlying muscle movement, fillers on the other hand will fill in wrinkles.
Botox feels like several small pinches, similar to a bug bite, and that the discomfort does not last long. It’s not a painful treatment, especially once you get used to the feeling of the injections.
When injected properly by a medical doctor, you can expect to see results after your first treatment. It can take two to four days before the weakening of the muscle begins and movement is stalled. You can see the maximum results of your treatment anywhere from ten to fourteen days after treatment.
There is no downtime or recovery time for botulinum toxin injections. You may resume normal activities immediately. One note of caution: Don’t rub or massage the treated areas after the wrinkle treatment because it can cause the botulinum toxin to migrate to another area of your face.